Monday, January 27, 2014

Been a while...

 Been more than a while since my last post.  Life gets in the way of wargaming, then wargaming gets in the way of blogging and here we are months later.  I may have been quiet, but also been busy.  Here's some WIPs.  Love the Centurions that I have modified pretty heavily.  Also, been working on an O'Vessa for Gundam John.  He kitted this up real sweet with 6 LED lights, now time for me to work my magic!

I love the Centurion models, but thought the amount of under-slung weapons was excessive.  Went with an extended barrel grav-cannon and shoulder mounted the amp.

Haven't done any highlights on this guy yet, but he's coming along rather nicely.

Templecon is in two weeks.  The last few years it has been a mad dash for me to get everything done on time, lists, models etc.  This year is different.  I have been playing my list with few changes for about two months now and pretty set on it.  Submitted it for checking officially this morning. We had a primer at the BG this past weekend and I placed the best I have in the last 2 years at third.  Really starting to get it together.  White Scars with Dark Angels Allies.  Will get the list posted soon

 On top of that the army is painted for the most part (some highlights and lens and that sort need touching up).  List done, army done, well what else is there....a multi-tiered water featured, sound system, lighted display board?  YUP  This thing is a beast and way more than I should have tried to tackle, but if I'm not scrambling at the last minute I wouldn't feel like I was prepping for a convention now would I?