Thursday, June 21, 2012

Been Busy, Henchmen

Work has been busy, so posting has been suffering as a result.  Definitely grateful to Simon for the guest spots!  So, speaking of Simon, here is what I have been working on lately.
 Yeah, that's a lot of Henchmen.  Sadly the custom bases didn't come in soon enough for me to get them based proper, but good enough to play with.  I may be able to get these taken care of for Saturday morning so that Simon can bring them down to RI to wreck some face. Here are a few close ups...

Donkey Kong, or Jaekero Monkey?
(look at the base, this thing is Huge!)

Warrior Acolyte 1
 Warrior Acolyte w/ StormBolter and Crossbow
Warrior Acolyte 2

Once the henchmen are done, it is on to some custom bases for Matt and very special Broadside Suit for Gundam John.  I'm holding off on doing anything else of my own until I have the rulebook in hand. I missed out on btoh tourneys this month and next month looks like an off month for the FLGS.  So it may be a while before I can get in any serious games.  On the bright side this will give me plenty of time to adjust to 6e.  Next Scheduled event is August 4, 2000 points.  I'm thinking that I will actually check with the wife before registering this time, to avoid the scheduling disasters of May.

Check in next week for the Broadside Project...


  1. That monkey looks pretty sweet.

  2. Agreed! That's one awesome monkey!

  3. The monkey was by far the most fun. There are two other completely different ones in there, that I can't wait to get back from Simon to finish up. I was able to get everything to 3 color tabletop, but by no means is this group done yet.
