Thursday, June 28, 2012

50 to 1

Big shift from last week where I was working on 50+ models all at once.  This weeks focus has been on a single model for my Vanilla Marines fun list. The list includes Assault Scouts and Landspeeder Storms, which is not something I would be bringing to tournaments, but definitely to Thursday night open gaming. This is the first of the 5 that is done.  Two of them are pretty basic, the sergeant has a heavily modified weapon, and the last regular scout is an even more dynamic pose than this one.  The pictures aren't great sine I didn't really capture it well.  The scout is leaping off a rock, sword drawn, with his cape billowing behind him.  Check it out and let me know what you think!


  1. I absolutely LOVE this mini! The pose and painting are both superb.

  2. ... can't believe I didn't notice how big it is.
