Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Commission: Cleric of Good Part III

Here's the final product for the Cleric of Good that I delivered last Tuesday.  Sorry for the delay, but I spent the rest of last week on Cape Cod with the folks, wife and kids.  Great weather and a very relaxing break!

Only a little more was done from the last update: mostly cleaning up the fine highlights on the skin and on the hammer. I also made sure to get the eyes and all of the gems adorning the outfit and book. Another 30 minutes worth of work

It took another 5 minutes to get this guy sealed.  Interesting side note...I used a matte varnish for this guy and a satin varrnish on Gundam John's devel fish at the same time.  The satin one was apparently a little older and left a terrible filmy coating on the model, which would not wipe off...pretty much ruined it.  I stopped by the store to watch Frosty and Gundam John play a game and was telling them about how the satin finish messed up the model...then from across the store says, use a q-tip and some olive oil to take that off. John and I both turn, "Thank you mysterious stranger!"  This worked like a charm!  Should have taken before and after pics in retrospect.  I can't explain how much time and effort this saved me.

Any way... I was thrilled with how it came out and thankfully so was the client.  I'm always nervous to see how it goes.  So far my commissions have been face to face transactions through word of mouth, which is fantastic, but I get anxious waiting for the clients' reactions when they see what they are paying for, even when I'm happy with how it looks.

I was really happy with how the primary colors worked out overall.  The blue was an after thought since I thought it was looking too drab.  The red doesn't scream good guy to me, but since that was the customers request I wanted to tone that down by adding in the blue and the white.  This was a nice escape from the grim dark future, but with an 1850 tournament around the corner, I'm excited to get that army in gear as well.  I'm using much of what I brought to the doubles tournament, so those bikes are set to go.  The devastators are also complete.  I just need to get the guard squared away and get started on a librarian on a bike, wielding the Mace of Redemption.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE how this guy came out - the blue looks really good and makes the rest of the model pop.
