Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Doubles Round-up: Land Raiders and Helldrakes!


 Frosty and I entered in a doubles event this past weekend.  Each player brings 1000 points and we combine into a standard FOC.  Basically, our list consisted of 3 Land Raiders, 2 Helldrakes, a Stormraven and a Demon Prince...and required troops blah blah blah. Blood Angels and Chaos Marines.  We basically were counting on lots of players with the new marine book and grav guns and for no one to bring melta-guns.

Here's how things played out.  First game was against Grey Knights and Blood Angels.  Dreadknight, couple of Stormravens, Furioso and troops.  5 objectives and 1 player from each coalition was marked for death.  We picker their blood angels and they picked our chaos marines.  This was a hard fought game that we ended up getting a moderate win out of.  We made a lot of smart decisions and lucked out by having the Stormraven with the Durioso in it, not show up until turn 4.

Game 2 was against Black Templars and Tau.  This game went as well as to be expected.  Templats had a LRC w/ a multi-melta and a few squads of crusaders, w/ melta guns. We lost a pair of Land Raiders promptly and the missile sides pounded the flyers.  We got 0 points from this match.  This was one of those match ups we were just hoping not to get.

Game 3 vs. Nids and Guard...at this time in the day and considering how game 2 went we were tired and had no chance of placing.  Instead we concerned our selves with having a good time.  My Librarian went straight for the the MC bugs with his force sword and the raiders went full speed into the hordes.  Both the Crusader and Redeemer ate up guard and bugs left and right....which is good because the Nids were spitting out 15+ more termagaunts a turn.  Frosty got his land raider blown up right off the bat and his demon prince got popped quick failing saves against a manticore. So I had to carry the day...which I did not do.  I ended up clearing off tons of models and prevented anyone from holding the relic in the middle of the board when the game ended.  We had a great time though on both sides of the table.

Next up looks like it may be a 2500 double force org...

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