Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Welcome! I'll be using this to share my Warhammer 40k Adventures, mostly painting, but a fair amount of bat reps, rules discussions and talking about rumors.  I'm still figuring out the blogger layout functions so everything is assuredly a work in progress.

Over the next month expect updates on all things power armor as I try to determine what list to bring for a 1850 point tournament on 3/24. I have been playing Dark Angels - Deathwing lately, Blood Angels with a large amount of success before that, and have been caught up recently in building vanilla marines. Scouts and Bikes!

The sudden interest in the Vanilla Marines is more because of the models rather than interest in the Codex itself.  Here are a couple of works in progess for the Bike Captain (Relic Blade and Storm Shield) and Scout Sergeant (Powerfist and Combi-Melta).

Modelling is done for these two primed and started a little of the base coating.  The scouts are going off of an Assassins Creed feel, while I wanted the Bike Captain to have more of the medieval flare.  I'm really excited about how the weapons came out for both of these.  The lance was a pretty easy, but getting the wire just right on the crossbow was a complete pain.  Figured I would change up the concept of bolter a little bit, same ammunition right?

More posts to come as I narrow down the lists for the next 1850 and results of this weeks Thursday night regular game night.  Bringing 1600 of Blood Angels to play against a newer Chaos Marine player.  Lots of fun units, alot less of the WAAC stuff I would bring to a tourney.

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