Thursday, September 6, 2012

1850 for Thursday Night at BG

This is a rough list of what I plan on bringing tonight.  I want to try a few ideas that are new to 6e for me.

Librarian (divination)
honor guard with jump packs and 4 plasma guns
Death Co. x15 in LRC w/MM
Assault Squad
Assault Squad
Scout Squad CC
Storm Raven
Devastator Sqaud PCx4

I haven't used a Land Raider in ages, so this is going to be quite an experiment.  The versatility of being able to bring it in via deepstrike so that it can come in with the Stormraven is appealing.  Also, having both come in on the same turn should force my opponent to make a more difficult choice of target priority, rather than the LRC getting blown off first turn and the Stormraven whenever it comes in.   I'm also hoping that witha Stormraven and a Land Raider on the board the vindicator will get over looked and get more than a round of shooting in.  I'm planning on reserving or hiding it to start the game, so that the three heavy armors are on the board at the same time.

I'm thrilled to be using a mob of Death Co. and really feel that the LRC delivery is ideal.  I really need to guarantee that they get where I need them to be.  

The other big change for me is going back to Devastator Squads.  I know that I am going to match up against things like Nob Bikers, Paladins and Broadsides on a regular basis. Assuming I can get some good placement I think these should thin out all three of those rather nicely for the DC to finish them off.

Scouts are deployment area objective holders, and the gearless Jump marines will combat squad for any other objectives.  I plan on keeping them out of LOS or in reserve as needed so they won't get shot up by turn 5-6.

As far as scaling up for 2000, for tonight I'll just change the Librarian for Mephiston with Divination if I need to.  Everything is packed and too busy to change the list, so that's what it is going to be.  More tomorrow on how this goes.  I'm really going to try and remember to take some pics of the match.

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