Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Iron Hands Librarian

Gundam John had a unique request for a commission: Iron Hands Librarian with a Jump Pack.  He's taken to bringing Blood Angels as allies to the Tau.  As he's not much of a fan of the Blood Angels and a huge fan of all things machine, doing counts as Blood Angels with Iron Hands is the way to go. Basically, I got this from a lot of drilling, paper clips and wire.  There are a few in progress shots before the final.

 I started out with the legs from the bikers and cut the leg at the knee.
 I then put some drill holes through the top, sides and back.
 Next I drilled a 1mm hole straight down into the foot, Straightened out a paperclip and placed it stright down so it runs the length of the interior of the calf.  After that I wound some wire around a 1/8" drill bit and then pulled on it to create the coils (really easy).
 This picture is terrible.  I cut a space marine jump pack up to get a singlethruster.  I added the plate from the front of a bike as wings to the side of the thruster.  More coils and springs and lots of plugging gaps and holes with green stuff for this.
 Again I struggle with the camera, this is the jump pack upside down.  I created a green stuff Psychic hood and attached it to the inside of the jump pack, rather than to the Librarian himself.  I really wanted to be able to see the librarians head clearly and thought separating it a bit, floating above, would help. 
Gundam John couldn't decide what kind of force weapon, but wanted a hammer as well.  So I just ended up using the hammer and will have him go "counts as" for whatever it needs to be.  In place of a pistol I used a scout shot gun.  This is one of my favorites so far and the picture really doesn't do it justice, but will have to do!

Oh and coming soon: Avengers Terminators!


  1. That is sweet! Are those gears on the jet pack!
    Also, dual powerfist-hulk hands!

    You are an artist sir!

  2. Just wait till you see it in person. Like I said this is a pretty terrible picture and it still looks pretty cool.

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